Wednesday, May 13, 2009


i know i havent been updating here
its because, for some reason,
myspace started flagging this link as spam,
but a lot's been goin on,
so i've been using a different forum, dig-

…i spent a lot of yesterday working on preproduction with mike and dave, on this next new piece of music, “something sacred”.

it’s coming out very well, we’ll see how it goes in the studio.

(we should be workin at Conway this weekend, if you’re around, stop by and hangout!)

a friend’s boyfriend sorta vanished on her for yesterday, so i spent a bit of the day over there, just hangin out and being there with her… ordered some really good brazilian food (from Bossa Nova on robertson in west hollywood)… and watched tv with her and her puppy.

i realized, it really doesn’t matter who you are, or how your relationship is… that moment of uncertainty is always the same.

but here’s to a better day!




cash n french