Thursday, November 20, 2008

the desert, new mexico

...There are really no words.

Its so beautiful out here.

Listening to angels n airwaves, on the way from santa fe to el paso, the sky is a deep, royal blue.

Eyes stretch so far, to see to the horizon, and take it in..

Out here,
The stars come out to play so early.
The highway's cold and honest, and the warmth of hope and beauty becomes enough.

Family is such an interesting thing...
I have a family.

I always seem to be so far away, and I learn that when I get close to people, in a deeper, timeless way, I feel free to call them family.

But the time I have, to spend with real family, is so limited.

I guess I'm grateful,
For the fact that time and space don't tend to matter-
Not when it comes to Love.

My mind and spirit get so much bigger out here...
There's so much breathing room.

At night,
The lights dance like diamonds,
On wide-open highways.

Its gorgeous.

..So, when we get to El Paso, we go immediately to the venue, soundcheck, and the limo should already be there waiting to take us to the radio station...

We have a bunch of bands,
And lots of people,
All so excited to see us tonight.

People I've never met-
Or had the privalege of sharing a moment with..

But I know they dig what I do,
And I dig that..
Recognition's a tough thing to come by these days.

And I'm sure we'll have some real time to get intimate,
Get to know eachother tonight.

I'll have more than enough space to stretch my animal limbs out at the hotel..
Have some fun,
Make some tea before bed,
Comfort- that's another one of those tough things to come by these days.

As I drift off,
Into my world,
I'll leave you tonight with some color for this picture:

Wearing my big huge red shades,
All black and a bright orange thermal...

Who knows what's in the cards for us...

Wide awake at midnight
When all the good kids
Are asleep
The restless western sky
Is a deep blue blanket
For the banquet of you and I

She was built right
Out of my mind
She was built right
Out of my mind
I find that the purest form
Is both Simple and Powerful,
Like blood on purple flowers
Perfect sex on the hour

She tastes like Kedamine
When she's ready
To RocknRoll
The air around here
Drops to 50 degrees
And all the dogs start to howl.


the desert, new mexico

...There are really no words.

Its so beautiful out here.

Listening to angels n airwaves, on the way from santa fe to el paso, the sky is a deep, royal blue.

Eyes stretch so far, to see to the horizon, and take it in..

Out here,
The stars come out to play so early.
The highway's cold and honest, and the warmth of hope and beauty becomes enough.

Family is such an interesting thing...
I have a family.

I always seem to be so far away, and I learn that when I get close to people, in a deeper, timeless way, I feel free to call them family.

But the time I have, to spend with real family, is so limited.

I guess I'm grateful,
For the fact that time and space don't tend to matter-
Not when it comes to Love.

My mind and spirit get so much bigger out here...
There's so much breathing room.

At night,
The lights dance like diamonds,
On wide-open highways.

Its gorgeous.

..So, when we get to El Paso, we go immediately to the venue, soundcheck, and the limo should already be there waiting to take us to the radio station...

We have a bunch of bands,
And lots of people,
All so excited to see us tonight.

People I've never met-
Or had the privalege of sharing a moment with..

But I know they dig what I do,
And I dig that..
Recognition's a tough thing to come by these days.

And I'm sure we'll have some real time to get intimate,
Get to know eachother tonight.

I'll have more than enough space to stretch my animal limbs out at the hotel..
Have some fun,
Make some tea before bed,
Comfort- that's another one of those tough things to come by these days.

As I drift off,
Into my world,
I'll leave you tonight with some color for this picture:

Wearing my big huge red shades,
All black and a bright orange thermal...

Who knows what's in the cards for us...

Wide awake at midnight
When all the good kids
Are asleep
The restless western sky
Is a deep blue blanket
For the banquet of you and I

She was built right
Out of my mind
She was built right
Out of my mind
I find that the purest form
Is both Simple and Powerful,
Like blood on purple flowers
Perfect sex on the hour

She tastes like Kedamine
When she's ready
To RocknRoll
The air around here
Drops to 50 degrees
And all the dogs start to howl.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the most exciting american event i have ever seen

(Posted to the at about 7pm, 11/4/08)

After months of build-up,
Tonight is the night to elect a new American leader.

In LA, its a beautiful, stormy autumn evening, and its about to rain...

All across the country,
Men and Women,
Brothers and Sisters gather
To make their own voice heard

I've observed quite a few elections in my quarter-century or so, of life so far, and I have NEVER seen anything quite like this.

Politics never really interested me, all that much, but I do love to see fellow human beings, passionately expressing their beliefs...

And regardless of the result of this event,
What's obvious is how much more important this election seems to be, than any election in history, really.

Its incredibly fascinating.


I feel it necessary to remind anyone who may have forgotten, of that fact.

The sky over Los Angeles,
Prepares to open up,
And cleanse us all of our confusing past.
The aftermath
Will prove to be
The way we make it through,
Into the future,
...Where we will dance.

Take a moment,
Soak it in,
Build this memory with marble and gold.

No matter who it is that wins this crazy thing,
We are all here to be a part of a big moment in American History.

Have fun
