Friday, August 29, 2008

(ok, ok, OK- technology is wierd, but i'm convinced) BEST RESTAURANTS AND BARS IN L.A.


so ive always been wierded out by technology,
specifically the internet.

i grew up as probly the last generation that didnt have the internet to learn how to READ with,
we had actual books, with yes... actual paper.

so it kinda wierds me out, to be honest...
this whole invisible world, where even fans of my band somehow are able to find my PRIVATE contact information
(i.e. my home address).


BUT, i was at dinner this evening (ravioli at Bossa Nova, robertson, beautiful by the way), at about midnight, which is just about my favorite time to eat a good meal at a good spot with good friends, and i was describing to my friend Matt that- because i never eat at home ("I ALWAYS EAT OUT" AHAHAHAH hellyeah), that i now happen to know of all the best places to eat for all genres of food in LA- more so, even, than the many LA natives ive astonished with this repertoire of dining expertise...

when he mentioned- "you should start a blog".

and i said-


and we went into a discussion with my other friend Jayson about what exactly that meant.

and yeah, i guess its free,
and its kinda fuckin badass.

and i'm realizing that i know of a lot of different kinds of places and things and stuff, not just around LA (because i seem to ALWAYS be on the road, especially lately) and that i can probly think of many-a-random piece of coolness to yap about.

IN FACT, i probly bore more than enough of my friends with this many-a-random piece of whatever, often enough to just put it all down here and tell anyone who's interested to check it out on here instead, filtering out all the uninterested parties and potentially saving lots of time, which i'm now wondering what i'll end up doing with...

so, stay tuned, if anyone ever reads these things, and we'll have lots of crazy shit to toss around.


1 comment:

Jayson said...

Wow! Has it been since August?! I haven't seen you since shortly after that conversation. WTF?! Come home! But not too soon, I'm going to Texas for Christmas next week. Haha!